Sunday, December 12, 2010

NFR 2010

This year Bronson and I went to the Nation Finals Rodeo in Las Vegas. My parents somehow snagged 4 tickets in the lower bowl and asked if we want to go with them. Of course we said yes. I am a total rodeo junkie and the NFR is the best of the best. We decided to head down to Vegas a little early so we could get in some Christmas shopping and to go and check out Cowboy Christmas. Bronson had never been to the NFR before, so i was really excited for him to experience it especillay since latley he has really gotten into riding horses and being a "cowboy." The cowboy's and cowgirl's that compete at the NFR level are pretty much amazing. This rodeo makes the dixie round up look like a kids rodeo..hahah. It was so loud an d crazy in the arena. We all had a total blast, so thanks Mom an Dad for taking us.

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