Sunday, December 12, 2010

Jazz vs. Heat

Bronson and I were lucky enough to score a set of my mom's season pass Jazz tickets to the Uah Jzz vs. Miami Heat. Bronson and i pretty much told my mom we wanted these tickets ever since we found out that LeBron James was going to play for the heat. Bronson loves LeBron James, so i made sure that my mom saved these tickets for us.

It ended up being a super long day we drove up to SLC and back in the same day. Bronson could only miss half a day of work, so it was a big driving day. I wish that the Jazz would have won. They put up a good fight. I thought for sure that after the 3rd quarter we were going to be able to pull it off, but oh well the Jazz lost. It was so loud in the arena. I love going to the Jazz games and watching the crowd it is so much better than watching the games on T.V.

NFR 2010

This year Bronson and I went to the Nation Finals Rodeo in Las Vegas. My parents somehow snagged 4 tickets in the lower bowl and asked if we want to go with them. Of course we said yes. I am a total rodeo junkie and the NFR is the best of the best. We decided to head down to Vegas a little early so we could get in some Christmas shopping and to go and check out Cowboy Christmas. Bronson had never been to the NFR before, so i was really excited for him to experience it especillay since latley he has really gotten into riding horses and being a "cowboy." The cowboy's and cowgirl's that compete at the NFR level are pretty much amazing. This rodeo makes the dixie round up look like a kids rodeo..hahah. It was so loud an d crazy in the arena. We all had a total blast, so thanks Mom an Dad for taking us.